Beat the April 1st

price hike!

Go Solar and reduce bills by 70 - 90%



Why Fit A Solar System? 

First and foremost, solar saves you money - lots of money. 

The average UK household can save up to 70% on their annual electricity bill, as well as earn money from exporting excess energy to the grid. 

You can also enhance the saleability of your house by increasing its EPC rating - solar energy system can add up to 15 points to your rating, easily moving you from a D to a C. 

As well as saving money, and earning from exported energy, you will be reducing your carbon footprint every day. A 4kW system can lower your home's CO2 emissions by 1.4 tons a year. 

Adantages of a Solar Energy System

Power From Panels

Solar Panels are, obviously, the most important and integral parts of a solar energy system.

The panels we are giving away are Aiko 455W black on black panels, with partial optimisation.  

Build Your System

We are giving away up to 10 panels with our inverters and batteries, but if you need more you can certainly add them to your order.

The more panels you have, the more energy you will produce.

Sell To The Grid

You won’t just be able to save money on your electricity bills with a solar energy system, you can also MAKE money by selling excess power back to the grid!

Some utility companies will offer as much as 24p per kWh for an exported energy. 

Add Batteries - Save More

We always recommend adding energy storage into your solar system, whether it’s batteries, an EV charger or an iBoost.

Batteries mean you can generate power during the day and use it after the sun goes down.  

Heating Water

Use solar to heat your water by fitting a solar energy diverter or iBoost.

These devices direct any excess energy from your solar panels in to a specially designed immersion heater.

Increase Your Property Value

You've probably heard companies claim huge increases in property value when fitting solar - and in part it's true!

A solar system will increase your home's EPC rating by up to 15 points - which will make your home more saleable. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is solar energy?
Solar power is exactly what it sounds like, it’s power from the sun. Obviously, you can’t just feed sunlight into the television, so you need ‘photovoltaic’ cells to covert the energy from the sun into electrical energy for your home.
What is in a solar energy system as well as panels?
Solar (PV) Panels: These contain PV cells, made for silicon, that convert the sun’s energy into DC electricity.

Inverter: Most houses in the UK do not use DC electricity, so the DC energy from the panels is fed into an inverter where it is converted into AC electricity for use in the home. A hybrid inverter will also regulate DC energy so it can be used to charge your batteries.

Batteries: We all know how batteries work! But adding them to your solar system can save you extra money by storing the energy generated by your panels during the day and allowing you to use it at night.
Do solar panels need maintainance?
The simple answer here is ‘No’. PV panels have no moving parts so there is very little that can go wrong with them. They really just need the occasional clean and the connections checking. Most Apps used to manage the inverter will tell you if an individual panels has a problem.

Panels come with a 25-year product warranty and 30-year performance warranty – so you know they are going to be very reliable.
Can a solar energy save me money?
In a word 'Yes!' As soon as your system starts generating electricity it's saving you money. Every kWh that comes from your panels is one less kWh you'll be paying an energy supplier. The savings can be as high as 70%. The only thing that people would counter this with is the initial outlay for the system, but the average payback time for UK Energi customers is just 8 years – after that ALL your self-generated electricity is free!  
Do solar panels work when it is cloudy?
Yes, they do, as solar (PV) panels don’t need direct sunlight to generate electricity. In the UK, a bright June day will probably generate the most electricity, but as it gets hotter a panel’s efficiency can drop due to resistance within the cell caused by heat. Ideally, panels should be kept below 25 degrees C, so that's perfect for the British weather. On a cloudy day, the sunlight is reflected of clouds and other surfaces, so your panels will be pumping out plenty of power.
Are solar panels good for the environment?
Yes, as power generated from the sun is totally carbon free. Obviously, the manufacturing of the products generates a carbon footprint but because of the carbon free nature of the generation they are carbon neutral within 2 - 4 years. 
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