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How do Solar Panel Batteries work?

22nd June 2023

Increasing energy prices have made renewable energy products such as solar panels rise in popularity with both homeowners and businesses alike. However, one of the challenges associated with solar energy is how do renewable energy households use their renewable energy once there is minimal sunlight such as during later hours or winter months? To address this, solar panel batteries have emerged as an essential component of solar panel PV systems, allowing the storage of excess electricity generated to be stored for later use. In this blog post, we will explore how solar panel batteries work and their role in storing electricity year-round.


The Basics of Solar Panel Batteries

Solar panel batteries, also known as solar batteries or solar energy storage systems, are devices designed to store electricity generated by solar panels. They function as a reservoir for surplus energy, which can be tapped into during periods of low sunlight or high energy demand. These batteries are typically connected to the solar panel system, enabling the capture, storage, and subsequent use of excess electricity.


How Solar Panel Batteries Work

Capturing Solar Energy: Solar panels consist of photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. As sunlight strikes the solar panels, electrons in the PV cells are excited, creating a flow of electrical current.

Charging the Batteries: The generated DC electricity is sent to an inverter, which converts it into alternating current (AC) electricity suitable for household or commercial use. The surplus electricity that exceeds the immediate demand is then directed to charge the solar panel battery.

Storing Electricity: Solar panel batteries store the excess electricity as DC power for later use. Most solar batteries employ lithium-ion technology due to its high energy density, efficiency, and longer lifespan. The electricity is stored chemically within the battery, ready to be released when required.

Monitoring and Control: An intelligent battery management system is employed to monitor the battery's charge level, temperature, and overall health. This ensures the battery operates optimally, prevents overcharging or deep discharge, and maximizes its lifespan.


Utilizing Stored Electricity from Summer to Winter:

During summer, when solar panels generate more electricity than is immediately consumed, excess energy is stored in the solar panel battery for future use. This surplus electricity can be utilized during winter or times of reduced sunlight. Here's how the process works:

Winter Electricity Demand: As daylight hours shorten during winter, solar panels produce less electricity. However, the stored energy in the solar panel battery can be drawn upon to meet the electricity demand, ensuring a continuous power supply.

System Autonomy: By coupling solar panels with a battery storage system, homeowners and businesses can reduce their reliance on the grid during winter months. This increased energy self-sufficiency provides resilience in times of power outages or grid failures.

Net Metering: In the UK, excess electricity generated during the summer can be fed back into the grid, which can then be converted into cost savings.

Optimizing Energy Usage: Advanced energy management systems can automate the process of utilizing stored electricity from solar panel batteries. These systems intelligently monitor energy production, consumption patterns, and weather forecasts to determine the most efficient use of stored energy.



Solar panel batteries play a pivotal role in maximizing the benefits of solar power systems. By efficiently storing excess electricity during the sun-rich summer months, these batteries ensure a sustainable energy supply throughout the year, even during periods of reduced sunlight.

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